Archive for July, 2011

How Debt Impacts Your Net Worth

For many people, the word “debt” always carries a negative connotation. This post by Credit Sesame on the MintLife Blog puts the concept of debt into perspective. If used properly and under the right circumstances, debt can actually increase your net worth. From the article:

Don’t blame debt. It’s not debt that is bad. It is how you use it that matters.
Here are some tips on managing your debt so that it doesn’t end up hurting your net worth.
-When financing, investments are the only thing that can have a positive impact on net worth
-Never finance any item that is consumed immediately (e.g. dinner, vacations, etc.)
-Durable consumer purchases (e.g. TVs, cars, iPads, etc.) can never improve your net worth because they depreciate
-Always factor finance costs into the cost of a financed consumer purchase
-Debt used to finance consumer purchase should be repaid before the you stop enjoying the benefit.

Be sure to read the full article. Also, Mint has some great tools for tracking your net worth. Read my previous post explaining why I use Mint to manage and track my finances.

via How Debt Impacts Your Net Worth | MintLife Blog | Personal Finance News & Advice.

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Estate Planning

A recent article from Get Rich Slowly poses a very important question:

What would happen if you, your spouse, a parent, someone who you shared a financial life with died today? Not next week after the car payment is sent in. Not next month when you’ve finally gotten around to writing down all of your passwords and account numbers. Not next year when you’ve updated your will. What would happen if they died today?

When I read this, I didn’t have a good answer to the question. I still don’t. I handle nearly all of the finances in our marriage. Most of our finances are automated at this point, but there are still aspects of our financial life that my wife is probably unaware of, or under-informed about. I realized I have some work to do in order to ensure that things would be able to continue as smoothly as possible if this unfortunate situation were to come about.
Where would you be in this scenario?

via Reader Story: Estate Planning – The First Month | Get Rich Slowly


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Get Out of Debt Now

It was only about a month ago that my wife and I paid off the last of our credit card debt. It was the first time we’d been without any credit card debt since we were married (I brought some debt with me into the marriage, and we accrued more along the way). It was a lot of work and we had a very tight budget for quite some time, but it was a relief I can hardly express in words. If it weren’t for
my kids waking me up regularly, I would say that I sleep much better at nights.

The current economic and political climate, as well as the projections for the near future, have convinced me of one thing – there has never been a better time to get out of debt and build an emergency reserve of cash.

If you have any amount of debt, take a look at this and start your plan to get rid of it, today.

via It’s Time to Build Cash and Get Out of Debt | Frugal Dad

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